Or: 4 paces north of the Rod and Mare brothel in Colorful Flight.
(Q) Who is Gavron?
Usually, a party who enters Lowangen carries the stone with them and
get it stolen by Gavron. To get it back you have to find him (wait
in the Orc Death tavern). You will also find out about the fake
stone if you get yours stolen. Or ask Dragan (close to the western
wall) about Gavron.
(Q) Where is Vidaria Leechbronn?
Her house is located in Eydal...1 pace east and 3 paces south of the
Canal Tavern.
(Q) Where is Vinsalter?
Find the Temple of Rahja on your automap, Vinsalter is five steps
west and one step south of there.
(Q) How do I get into the castle?
You`ll find out if you find Dragan and ask him about travelling.
(This is important to do!).
The Swamp
The swamp is in the middle of the main map.
(Q) How do I catch the Rantzy?
Equip a character with a net, then use it in combat, ie. equip the
net in that character's left hand.
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