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Игра: Resident Evil

Тип документа : Hint Всего страниц : Текущая : full

Resident Evil

Easy Game Trick

You have to start a new game as Jill. Then after you enter the dining room
return to the Main Hall. Wesker will tell you to
investigate the shots. The game will return you to the dining room. Turn
back to the door and try to go through. Barry will say
"Lost your courage already? That's not like you." Move to the blood stain
and look at it. Barry will talk like normal. Go in front
of the grandfather clock. As soon as you do this, a zombie will appear from
the other room and chase after Jill. Barry will kill
the zombie and use a curse word. Return to the Main Hall with Barry. In the
cinema that follows, Barry will give you a lock
pick. Now go to the scene were the zombie was was previously eating Kenneth
(in the Living Room next to the Dining Room)
and you will see that he has no legs and no clips to pick up. The game is
supposed to get a lot easier then it is. Get the Rocket
Launcher If you finish the game in less than three hours, your saved game
will allow you to start a new game with a Rocket
Launcher. It has infinite ammunition and can kill almost anything with one
shot. Believe me it's worth the time.

Special Key

In the room with the Large Mirror, there's a locked closet that you can't
get into. To get the key that unlocks that door, you
must finish the game with two characters rescued. (If you are playing with
Chris, you have to have Jill and Rebecca with you
when you leave the Mansion. Jill has to rescue Chris and Barry.) If you do
this, your saved game will allow you to start a new
game with the special key. Inside the closet, you can change your
characters' clothes. Man, you got to see Jill.

Frogmen Trick

When you re-enter the house you will encounter some nasty frogmen who will
tear you to pieces when you try to kill them. A
simple way to stop them attacking you is to NOT point your gun at them as
the sight of your gun will trigger them to attack
you. Stay still until they walk right up to you then quickly draw and fire.


1) Pick a gun or pistol (if you are using the FEMALE char don't follow this
step because she originally has a weapon with her)
2) Save the game (use the typewriter near the staircase)
3) Exit the game
4) Use hex editor to open the savedat1.dat in the RE directory
5) Search for this location 00000320
6) When you reach to this location search for 020f (hex code)
7) Now you change change the value to :

Hex Code
Hex Code
Combat Knife
Beretta w/127
Shotgun w/127
DumDum Colt
Colt Python
Bazooka w/127 Acid
Bazooka w/127 Explosive
Bazooka w/127 Flame
Rocket Launcher
Clip w/255
Shells w/255
DumDum Rounds
Magnum Rounds
FlameThrower Fuel w/255
Explosive Rounds w/255
Acid Rounds w/255
Flame Rounds w/255
Empty Bottle
Umb No. 2
Umb No. 4
Umb No. 7
Umb No. 13
Yellow 6
Broken Shotgun
Square Crank
Hex Crank
Wood Emblem
Gold Emblem
Blue Jewel
Red Jewel
Music Notes
Wolf Medal
Eagle Medal
MO Disk
Wind Crest
Moon Crest
Star Crest
Sun Crest
Ink Ribbon w/255
Lock Pick
Nameless (Can of Oil)
Sword Key
Armor Key
Sheild Key
Helmet Key
Lab Key (1)
Special Key
Dorm Key (002)
Dorm Key (003)
C. Room Key
Lab Key (2)
Small Key
Red Book
Doom Book (2)
Doom Book (1)
F-Aid Spray
Red Herb
Green Herb
Blue Herb
Mixed (Red+Green)
Mixed (2 Green)
Mixed (Blue + Green)
Mixed (All)
Mixed (Silver Color)
Mixed (Bright Blue-Green)
Uzi w/ Infinity
Mini Mi w/ Infinity


(This walkthrough is for playing with Chris)

Go to hallway and see zombie. Run back out to Main Entrance and pick up
Jill's Berreta get Ink Ribbon from typewriter. Go
back to through to first zombie and get 2 Clips from dead body (Kenneth's).
Go back to Main Entrance.

Go to Blue double door and move stairs to get 1st Floor Map, move chest and
get and Ink Ribbon in small room. Beware of
Zombie. Main Entrance and go up stairs and to the right at the first tier,
go to door a the far end (above blue door) get small
key. Down hall to examine Forest on the terrace and get clip. Quickly leave
to avoid Crows. Back out to opposite side of
upper level (above Dining Room) Kill Zombies and push statue over the edge.
Get Blue Jewel from Statue ruble Dining Room
below. Back up to above dining room and through far door on opposite side of
where you entered. 3 Zombies must be taken
out and then down stairs. Zombies are easily avoided by running here so
conserve ammo and got to first room behind stairs
and meet Rebbeca -get Sword Key on bed - store Knife, Small Key - get Clips
- Save -

Leave without Rebecca and continue to end of hall and through door avoiding
Zombies. Immediately turn to the left an run to
end of hallway - Make sure to have at least 30 round and shoot away at
oncoming Zombies. Next got to the small
TigersmallTiger Room in short hallway and use Blue Jewel to get Wind Crest
Go across to small bedroom to get Clip, examine
desk and kill surprise Zombie. Get Keeper's Diary- Shells, leave if you only
have one slot remaining. Go through door at the
end of the hall and proceed to left (up) and enter Bar Room, (next to double
doors.) Move to around piano and push case
away from bookshelf - get Music Notes and use them at piano -Rebecca shows
up to practice let her do that - got to Dining

Get EMBLEM from above fireplace in Dining Room, go save in main hall and
return to piano room where secret door should
open *You should have at least one open inventory slot.* Go into Secret Room
and take Gold Emblem. Replace it with
Emblem. Go to Dining Room and place Gold Emblem above fireplace and get
Shield Key from behind clock. Go to Main
entrance and through the Double blue doors. Go to door on other side and
unlock it. Sword Key should now be discarded.
Through door and run like the dickens to avoid Dogs and reach door way. Go
back to dog hallway and take out dog. Move
chest and get Clip.

Back to winding hall. Get green herb and unlock door next to where you
entered but do not enter. Proceed down hallway go
into door at corner turn (Bathroom). Drain tub and get small key. Leave.
Move to the end to long, winding hallway. Through
the double doors. Get ready for two Zombies. Go to end of hallway and to
door on the left (Crow Gallery). Inspect the
pictures and hit the switches in order from youngest to oldest. Newborn,
Infant, Lively Boy, Young Man, Middle-Aged Man,
Tired Old Man, and then Picture at End. Get Star Crest. Leave. Go into Grey
Door in middle of hall and get ready to fire at
Zombie. Get Green Herb. Go into Storeroom. Get other crest if necessary and
save. Out to Back Hall. End of Hall on the
right is a door that leads to out side passage. Get ready for a Dog. Place
Wind and Star Crests at end of passage. You now
should get the Chemicals (in Storeroom) and proceed to area where to Tiger
Room is located. At the very end of the
L-shaped hallway is the Green House. Use Chemicals in pump to kill off
plant. Got to the area behind the plant to get the
ARMOR KEY. Use Herb if required. ***Remember this room if you are

Leave to Green House and go through the next door with three zombies
(maybe). Go to the door immediately on the right. Get
Broken Shotgun, Clip, and use Small Key to unlock desk to get Shells. *You
may have to do inventory adjustment in Rebecca
Room.* Now proceed back to the Winding Hallway with the Bathroom. Enter room
that is opposite the double doors and go
through to Living Room ***You should have Broken Shotgun and one available
inventory slot.*** Replace Shotgun with
Broken Shotgun. You are now a killing machine! Proceed to Main Entrance and
enter door next to blue double doors. There
is a Zombie inside just around the corner. Get Shells using Small Key.
Proceed down hallway to Mirror Room. Zombie is slow
so avoid him if you can. Get Ink Ribbon and Herb if necessary. Make you way
upstairs. Go to the right at the first tier and into
first door at top. Get ready for 2 Zombies in U-Shaped Hall. Go into double
green doors. Carefully move statues over the
circle grates on the floor. Hit switch to open the show case. Get the Sun
Crest. Go to end of U-Shaped Hall and into Small
Library and get Botany Book to file. Out opposite door. Get ready for two
zombies and one waiting at far end of hallway. Go
into door in the middle of the hallway and have shotgun ready for Zombie.

Go to Small Office on your left (top). Examine insect display and hit switch
to drain aquarium. Push the aquarium to the right
and them move cabinet toward it. Get Shells. Get Researcher's Will on the
desk. Go to Bedroom on opposite end of Antler
Room. Lighter is found here. Take it. There are also Shells and Red herb.
Leave Antler rooms. Move to end of hall and into
Blue door. Use the Lighter on fireplace to reveal Map of 2nd floor. Leave
and go to down the stairs and to Storeroom. Load
up on Shells and make sure your life is replenished. Make you way back
upstairs to the U-Shaped hallway and into door that
you haven't entered. (Make sure to have the lighter) Move down the hallway
and examine Richard - get Clip. Now go through
next door and get ready for a Zombie. Move upstairs and unlock door. Shield
Key should be discarded. DO NOT enter.
Back down stairs and down narrow hallway. In this room use the Lighter on
the candles to reveal secret room behind case.
Move case and get Shells in small room. Clip is also found in main room.

Now proceed back to short staircase and enter unlocked door. By exploring
you will encounter a snake so let him have it.
Blast away and it will retreat. Examine the hole where it came and went to
get final Moon Crest. Shells are also in Attic.
Proceed out - you will soon collapse from poisoning and awake in the Rebecca
Room. Get Two Crests and move to outside
passage and place in final spots in Outside Passage. You should store
everything but guns and ammo now. Through the now
open door and push stairs to shelf. Climb up and get Square Crank. There's a
small key on the one of the barrels. Move
through double doors and be ready for three dogs. There is a Map of Garden
on the wall next to useless elevator. Go through
gate at other end of Courtyard. Move around pool and use crank on square
hole. Water will drain and reveal passage. Go
across passage and run crazy for the elevator or the snakes will poison you.
Down the elevator and prepare for DOGS. Move
through gates and look out for three more Dogs. Proceed to Guard House. Push
Statue down the hall and cover hole. Save
Room is first door on right. Store the Square Crank. Go into door across
from Save Room and look out for 2 Zombies. Go
into first door and drain the tub. Get Control Room Key from tub. Explore
the bedroom to get Red Book and Small Key and
Shells. Store Red Book and then got to door in area where you moved statue.
Move down hallway and go into first door you
come to. Move down passage to left by wasps? nest and grab Dormitory Key
002. Run and leave room. Continue down hall
to Room 002. Discard key 002. There is herb hidden behind Statue. Enter Room
002. Inside first door (bathroom) will be a
Zombie and a Clip. Leave clip. You will be back. Proceed back into other
room and get Dorm Map, Plant 42 Report, Leave
Shells. Push cabinets to reveal ladder down. Go down to Lower Passage. Push
the three boxes into water to create a
walkway. The first box will have to be pushed backwards, at first, to get it
away from the wall. Go through double doors at the
end. Run, Run, Run! Look out for the big fish! Move around to other side of
room and into Control Room. Discard Control
Room Key! Flip the Lever to drain rooms. Hit button next to door to open
Weapon Storeroom next door.

Go to room next door. Get the dormitory Key 003. Two Clips and Two boxes of
Shells are here, but be sure to save one slot
for a Small Key that is found in corner of room directly across from the one
you are in. Go get the Small Key. Load up on all
that you can carry and head back up the ladder. Take a look at the sharks
doing the ole crappy flop. Be sure to collect ammo
that you left in Room 002. Move back to Main Guard House Hall and enter
Double Red doors. Have plenty of Shotgun Shells
to take on the two Giant Spiders. You will most likely be poisoned and there
is Blue Herb near the entrance to the Guard
House. Get Ribbon, Clip, and take a look a the pool table. Get Red Book from
Save Room and stock up the ammo for a big
fight. Navigate back to the Room with the Wasps? Hive and enter Door 003.
Discard Key 003. Enter bathroom and kill
Zombie. Get Clip from the floor. Back into bedroom. Get Ink Ribbon from desk
using Small Key. (It may be wise to save
now if you haven't for a while.) Go to book case and replace V-Jolt Report
with Red Book. The other cabinet will move to
reveal a door. Go in the door and be prepared to meet Plant 42. Stay to the
side and run to avoid the falling acid. A trail of
white will tip you off to when it will drop. You'll probably only get one or
two shots off before you'll have to move. Get Helmet
Key from fireplace. Move out and encounter Wesker, load up the ammo and head
back to the mansion. Once you enter the
mansion again you'll be introduced to the Hunters. Take the first one out
and enter first door on the right using Helmet Key. Go
to the desk and turn on the light using switch. Get the Magnum Rounds on the
Desk, Leave the DOOM Book for later if you
don't have the space.

Go to Grey Door that leads to the Storeroom. Look out for the Hunter. Read
the note behind the stairwell and enter
Storeroom. Store the Magnum Rounds. Proceed back to hallway where first
hunter was encountered and go through double
doors. Slowly move down the hallway and you'll encounter another Hunter.
Take them down! Continue to end of hallway and
through wood door. The next hallway has two spiders in it but they can be
avoided by running to the entire hall. Make your
way to the main entrance and go upstairs. Now go to the room above the
Dining Room where you'll be greeted by a couple
Hunters. To conserve ammo take out the first one you see quickly and run
that direction to avoid the other. Proceed to the far
door and get ready for more of the same. After disposing of the tough
Hunters, move around staircase and enter first door on
the left. Pick up Orders and Shells, leave the Magnum Rounds if it is the
last slot. Hit switch next to door and look at the head
above the fireplace. Push the stair in front and club to get Red Jewel.
Leave. Head down the stairs and lend Rebbeca a helping
gun. Go to Rebecca Room and do use the Ink Ribbon. Go to the end of the hall
and toward the Tiger Statue Room. Two
Nasty Hunters await you in this hall. Use the Red Jewel at the Tiger Room to
get Colt Python. (Remember that there may be
Health Herb in the Greenhouse.) Move back the way you came and make you way
back to the Storeroom (near outside
passage). Grab the Colt and head upstairs. You should see a Hunter in the
hallway. Let them have it.

Proceed to the end of the long hallway and into room with fireplace Two
Zombies should be there. Save Ammo and go to next
door. Unlock the door. The Helmet Key is now useless. GET READY!

The Snake Room is activated by touching the piano in the corner. It's will
take numerous rounds to kill this nasty reptile, so
have plenty of health and ammo. One you have taken care of the Snake, make
sure you have the Shotgun before you drop into
the hole. Once you're down move to the gravestone and hit the switch to
activate trap door. Go down the ladder. There will
be 2 Zombies in this area, the first is around the corner guarding a box of
Shells. Get the Shells and proceed to the far door.
Two Zombies are feasting on another and behind them is 2 Green Herbs. Move
toward them and don't attack until they stand.
(Take them on only if you're in dire need of health.) Move down to door that
will take you into Kitchen. In the Kitchen you'll
find a Small Key on the counter. There's a dying Zombie lying near an
elevator to the right of where you entered. It is probably
the best to let him grab you ankle if you've got health to spare. The head
stomp will save many rounds. Proceed up the
Elevator. When you get to the top a Zombie will be right there. Take him out
and proceed in that direction if you're low on
ammo. Go into closet that is directly ahead. Two boxes of Shells and a
Battery are here. Leave the Battery, but remember to
save a slot for it. Leave closet and quickly run back toward Elevator and
look for a Zombie end of the hall directly ahead.
Therese also Green Herb it a small nook. Go into Blue double doors and get
ready to shoot. Once you've taken care of first
Zombie there is a desk in the corner to the right. Use the Small Key and get
the Magnum Rounds. Move to door in opposite
corner and beware of the Zombie that's behind the bookcases. You'll find a
Scrapbook to file. Move through door and move
straight ahead. Moving straight ahead will run you into a statue. Push it
just enough to get around it and then go to statue with
Red Switch. Hit the Switch and it will light a small area. Push the statue
over to lit area and Secret Office will open. Get the
MO Disk. Leave. Move to the other side of the room and push bookcase to the
top of the screen, (away from blue doors.)
Enter the Secret Observatory and get Ink Ribbon and Clip if you have the
space. Look out window. Return to Closet to get
Battery. If you need the health and have some ammo to spare, continue down
hall past the Closet. There's a Zombie right next
to the closet door and another when you continue into the next door where
there is also Green and Blue Herb. There are also
2 Zombies feeding down at the ens of the passage and a door that cannot be
unlocked. Move back to Elevator and return
down to Kitchen. Move to door and stairwell at the opposite end of the
Kitchen. You be presented with a cut-scene and fresh
Zombie to kill. Move to F1 via stairs. Move around elevator and unlock
double doors. You?ll enter a familiar hallway and
greeted by two hunters. Take them on if you dare or get out quick!

Proceed to back Storeroom. In the Storeroom consolidate inventory and be
sure to have the Doom Book 1 stored. Take
Square Crank, Battery, and any guns with Bullets. Proceed to Outside
Passage. In the Outside Passage there is a Hunter in the
middle of your path. If you're bold, take him out. With some quick movements
it can be avoided. Move through the Courtyard
and across water's path, past snakes, down elevator to Lower Courtyard. Use
Battery on othe elevator and go up. Move
back to large pool and Square Crank panel. Use the Square Crank to stop the
water. It may be a good idea to go back and
store the Crank because you?ll no longer need it. Move back down to Lower
Courtyard and down ladder that was behind
Waterfall. You should have Shotgun and other loaded guns. An Ink Ribbon
would be useful, but only if it has one use left. A
Typewriter is directly ahead and around corner. Save if you have less than
two slots open. Otherwise go into door directly at
the bottom of the ladder. There is a Flame thrower on the wall. (We left it
alone, but it can be useful.) Proceed to the left and
through the door. In this large room there is F-Aid Spray and a box of
Shells on the far side. Get those and move toward
passage to Enrico Door. Go to the end of the hall and see Enrico cut-scene.
What did he mean by double-crosser? Enrico has
a Clip but save room if it will fill last slot. Move back to out and you'll
immediately be attacked by two Hunters. Take these
two down!. There is also a Crank ahead. Use F-Aid Spray if necessary. Move
out and be ready for two more Hunters in this
next area. Move out either door and yet another Hunter will await. Replace
Flame thrower (if necessary) and exit area. Move
down to area next to type-writer. Use Hex Crank on panel and move through
door. Make sure to have one open slot. Get
Flame thrower and run down to trigger rock. Duck out at entrance. Now move
to area where rock rolled and look for a
Hunter there. It is possible to get more Flame thrower Fuel ant the opposite
end of passage, but it also triggers another Hunter.
Proceed through double doors and Giant Spider. Run around Spider and use
small blast to kill him. Four or five rounds with
the Colt should do the trick. Leave and reenter to dispose of Small Spiders.
Use Flame thrower or Combat Knife on Web

Go out and to the room to the left. In this save room there is Blue Herb,
F-Aid Spray, and Ink Ribbon. Use the Blue Herb first
if you're poisoned and then the F-Aid Spray. Save and take Hex Crank and
Flame thrower with you. Move out and to
opposite end of hall, you'll need to run because of snakes on the ceiling.
Replace Flame thrower to open door and go. Move
to the left (up) and down passage. Use Hex Crank three times (x3) on crank
panel to access small passage. Run down and
trigger boulder and duck into small passage. There is a Map and MO Disk in
area where boulder was. Move into secret room
and move Statue down wall to line up with highlighted area. Use Hex Crank
two times (x2) on panel to move statue away.
Push statue to highlighted trigger and grab Doom Book 2. Return to Store
Room and stash Crank and pick up Doom Book 1.
Have at least three slots. Proceed back to other end of passage and through
door. Move to the left (down) and go up elevator
to Fountain Area. Check both of the Doom Books through the inventory menu.
Turn the books? and use the action button to
inspect all sides. The books will eventually open to reveal an Eagle and a
Wolf Medal. Use these on the appropriate ends of
the Fountain to reveal stairs. Before you go down acquire an the Blue and
Green Herbs. Mix Green-Blue if necessary. Go
down Fountain Passage via stairs and elevator. Once down, move around corner
and down ladder. There will be a Storage
Box here so grab the pistol, and any other useful weapons with ammo. Proceed
through door and be ready for 3 Zombies. If
You have limited ammo run directly around to stairs and down. Otherwise take
the them out and get MO Disk from Desk in
nook next to double doors. There's also Green Herb in this passage. Down. Go
directly through double door at the bottom of
the stairs and then through the first door after that. Hit Red Switch to
turn on lights. Get Researcher's Letter, read to get Login
and Passwords. Push bookshelf away and use blue switch to decipher code
words on painting. Clip is in box next to sink.
Green Herb is also here. JOHN ADA MOLE. Leave. Move back out double doors
and run straight ahead to door and into
Small Lab. Use Computer and Passwords to unlock B2 and B3 Doors. Get Slides
from floor. Move out and back up stairs.
At the top of the stairs move straight ahead to double doors. Enter

Conference Room Use Slides on Projector, acquire Security System File, and
open panel and hit switch to activate secret
panel. Get the Lab Key. Return down. Run to door at opposite corner of
stairs. Avoiding or taking on the slow but deadly
naked Zombies. Use Lab Key on Lab Door that is marked with red emblem. Lab
Key is now discarded. A Zombie will be
directly ahead. There is also one around each corner. Go directly ahead to
Save/Storeroom. There is an Ink Ribbon, Magnum
Rounds, and Herb in this room. Save and take Shotgun and Magnum and One (1)
MO Disk with you. Leave and go back to
Operating Room. Get Shells and Red Herb. Move boxes and stairs to get to air
duct. Go through and enter the Morgue. Use
MO disk to get Passcode 2, get Magnum Rounds from shelf. Exit and be ready
to blast if you haven't killed all the Zombies.
Go back to save room and load up on herbs for next mission.

Power Maze - Bring MO Disk/Health(s) - Review the area map and look for the
doors - Run to terminal in corner opposite
the door to activate power panel. Go to far door to enter next maze. Get
Pass Code 03 from terminal that is straight ahead.
Run through avoiding the ceiling hunters to main generator room. Activate
the terminal on the left side. Run out. There are Two
hunters in first room and three in second. Now with MO Disk and some
weaponry, head back toward the stairs and go
through double doors and through door midway down the passage. 4 Zombies
await. It is possible to get more than one
Zombie with the Shotgun at close range, (three is our record.) Get Fax File
from wall and use MO Disk on output machine to
get Pass Code 1. Leave and go to end of hall. Use passcode machine to enter
codes and proceed to cell to be reunited with
Jill. The door is locked so return toward Save/Storeroom and move to Tyrant
Elevator that is at the end of the hall. Rebecca
should join you. *You should have at least six rounds of Magnum/ Shotgun or
at least 15 or more Berretta.* Up and
encounter Wesker's evil plan and he'll introduce you to the Tyrant. Take him
on and then use the computer terminal to unlock
the door. Go out and down elevator. Now make your way back to Jillss cell
and free her. Look out for the

Ceiling Hunters! Move upstairs and Zombies are everywhere! Run past those
slow guys and to the ladder. Make sure to have
at least one open slot. Up ladder and through Emergency Door that is right
next to you. Down the passage and get the Battery.
Use it on the elevator. Up. Get flare from box right next to elevator - Use
it in middle of Heliport. Await the return of Tyrant.
Avoid him until Brad drops Rocket Lancer. KaBoom!!

Кто прислал: - Когда: -:-:- - стр. full -


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