UNDERGROUND FACTORY: You start this mission fully healed with only your medikits. Kill the guard in this hall and take his club. At the end of the hall go through the door and then straight through the door in the next room. In the following hall take your first right and you will see a cut scene with a giant pointless smashing device (every factory needs one of these apparently). Stand on the slab in front of the smasher and when it starts to rise after crashing run across to the ladder you can see to the far left corner. Climb the ladder and step off on the platform to the left; you can hide behind the cart to your right. Watch the apes in this area; you will have to kill both. Look for an opportunity when they are far apart from one another. Afterward go to the four post metal structure in this room and look around it, you will see a medikit on the floor. Now turn around and run straight, then drop into the hole before you. To the right is another medikit, grab it and head straight for the wall behind it. Jump and climb up onto the smooth gray ledge and then follow the wall to your right until you find a hole. Pass through the hole into a hall and bear right. In the intersection of the hall you may have to fight some rats, but usually you can avoid them by staying closer to the side of the hall where you entered this area. In the room to the right pick up the crowbar, then turn around, head back straight through the hall and follow it to a storage room where a guard sits on a crate. Crouch walk to the far right corner of the room, turn and face the guard, then shoot him to death with the laser gun. To the right of where he fell you can pick up a medikit. Now approach the box in front of the crate where the guard was sitting (it is dark gray with a lid) and open it with the crowbar. Take the explosive inside and head back to the platform above the smasher. Instead of going down the ladder you can approach the right side of the platform, wait for the smasher to rise and jump down while pressing right to enter the walkway in front of the smasher and exit this room. Turn left and go straight through two doors, turn left again and climb the ladder against the wall to the left. At the top step off to the right and drop down the other side of the platform where there is another ladder. Enter the door on your left and then climb the ladder on the wall to your right; step off to the left at the top of the platform and follow it around counter clockwise to the first pipe you spot. Face the pipe and use (Alt) the explosive to drop it in. A cut scene shows the machine blowing up. Now head back to the edge of the platform next to the ladder and crouch and look around. Two guards enter to search the area; wait for them both to exit through the door they came in from, then climb down the ladder and retrace your steps to the smasher room. The smasher has stopped its crashing so head for the grate on the right side of the room. Approach it and press Alt twice to kick it in. Crouch walk through it to the next cut scene. (PEREVEDE)