Construction Note:
The construction of this FAQ is currently in progress. If you find any
glaring errors or information that is incorrect, please mail me at the
address at the top of the FAQ.
This FAQ contains answers to (f)requently (a)sked (q)uestions about the
computer game Abuse. In actuality most of the questions are not actual
questions that have been presented to me but are questions that, if I were
totally new to the game, would want to have answers to. I have
tried to provide answers to questions that would be asked by newcomers,
intermediate and advanced players alike.
If you feel that there is a question or feature of the game that has not been
properly addressed, please e-mail me so that I can review your question for
possible inclusion into the FAQ. If you already have the answers (or a good
description of the feature you want to have included) please mail those also.
Include your name and e-mail address so that I can give you proper credit.
If you happen to create a document pertaining to Abuse let me know and I will
add it to a list of supplementary documentation in the FAQ. And now prepare
to be abused.
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