Level 1: In the Tomb of Sethi 1st
Take the torch and enter the tomb. At the bottom of the stairs, turn around and take the plank. Once in front of the hole, lay the plank on the ground to cross the well. Once in the room just after the well, look at the pillar on the left and use your document on this 1st clue (Ptah). Come back to the centre of the room and keep on straight ahead as far as the room with two pillars takes up the stick leaning against one of them. Go back where you came from as far as the room located in front of the well. In this room with pillars, turn right. Go down the staircase and keep going straight ahead as far a room containing six pillars. Re-enter the small room on the right and kill the cobra using the stick to recover the amulet. Go back where you came from to the middle of the hall of columns and head towards the back room (room of the sarcophagus) where 2 characters are to be found. Go down towards the rubble and excavate the stones to find the Ostracon. Show the Ostracon and the amulet to Imenakth. He will give you the ring which will give you access to the village. Return to the entry of the tomb. ... Далее >>