Mission 1: Kurt
The game begins as MDK began-with Kurt riding an energy stream down to the surface. Dodge the missiles and lasers that come zipping at you en route to the mine crawler. Keep moving-the missiles will lock on and target you if you stay in the same spot too long.
Checkpoint 1A
Once on the mine crawler, Dr. Hawkins helps you familiarize yourself with Kurt's controls with a short tutorial. Stay and learn if you are a beginner. Otherwise, snipe the lock ball in the door to open a passage. Move to the end of the hall and drop into the room below. At the end of the next hall is a room barricaded on one side by a glass. Through a small hole is a lounging alien taunting you with a target. Sniping the target will shatter the glass. Smoke the now-exposed baddie and proceed through the parting doors. Step through and drop into the next hallway. Track forward to a small platform above a large, open room, snagging a Dummy Decoy.
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