Get the body armor and a knife from the crate in front of you. Also if you haven't changed your clothes in the previous two missions kill someone and take his clothes. Go into the base, and then to the tent in front of you. Take the Silenced Beretta and ammos. You might want to leave the armor for later. Also go to the tent in front of the mansion and take the M16 or AK47 ammo. Now it is time to enter the mansion. Use the back door to enter the mansion. Instead of killing everybody inside with AK or M16, use knife (also you can use Fibre Wire). That way no one would be alerted. First kill the guards who are alone in the first floor one by one with knife. Then kill the guard in the middle of the mansion with a shot to back of his head (use Silenced Beretta). Close the door and wait a few seconds. The guard who is standing in front of Pablo's door will run downstairs. He is probably not going to attack you because he didn't see you killing anybody. Cut his throat too! Now it is time to kill guards on the second floor. Do the same thing you did, kill everyone with a knife. After you killed everybody take out your silenced. Open the main entrance door. Kill the two guards outside and close the door. There are two more guards in the mansion, on the first floor, in a room with double doors. Kill them too. Now there is no one in the mansion. You killed everyone because if you don't, they attack you while you are fighting with Pablo. You can kill Pablo with AK47 but it takes too long and the gunfight alerts the guards outside. So take out your knife and attack! Try to get behind of him, especially while he is loading his weapon. Then cut his throat. It just took me a few seconds to kill him. Take the bomb and the letter from Prof. ... Далее >>