Fibre Wire Car Bomb
This mission is exactly the same mission in the demo. Kill the driver while he is taking a leak. Take his clothes, plant the bomb, and take your old clothes. Go next to your car. You will see other Blue Lotus Guards standing around the corner. Wait a few seconds. The limousine will arrive. While the limousine is passing by them, detonate the bomb using the bomb remote. Go to your car.
The Massacre at Cheung Chau Fish Restaurant Weapons used: Knife Beretta SD
Walk to the restaurant and climb through the window, drop your suppressed Beretta and climb back out. Run to the other side of the map where you'll see the Red Dragon member walking down the street. Get behind him and slit his throat with the knife, take his clothes and amulet and drag his naked corpse into the closest sewer and stash it. Now drop your knife in there as well and walk to the restaurant - by now there should be police out the front who will search you for weapons, they wont find any, and let you enter. Walk up to the chief, have a quick talk and he'll let you go to the bathroom. Ask the bartender for the key, enter the bathroom, drop the amulet, pick up your Beretta and open the door (if it has closed). Now peak around the door (but don▓t leave the bathroom) so you can see the police chief (and Blue lotus member, ... Далее >>