ring08--Ring of Wizardry brac14--Bracers of Defense AC 4 clck02--Cloak of Protection +2 belt06--Girdle of Hill Giant Strength boot01--Boots of Speed staf08--Martial Staff +3 hamm08--War Hammer +2 sw1h09--Short Sword +2 sw1h40--Blade of Roses(LongSword +3 +2Cha) sw1h49--Ninja-To +1 sw2h09--Warblade(2-H sword +4) bow18--Shortbow +2 bow17--Longbow +2 slng03--Sling +3 ax1h03--Battle Axe +2 halb03--Halberd +2
Create Creatures CreateCreature("creature reference number goes here")
This will give you Monsters to fight. Here is a few samples:
dragred=Red Dragon dragblac=Black Dragon dragsilv=Silver Dragon demnabo1=Nabassu dempi01=Pit Fiend uddeath=Demon Knight
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