MoveToArea("area reference number goes here") This will warp you to any area in the game. Be careful to have all your Party members selected first. Here is a few sample places. You can get the area number of any Area by hitting the x key.
Temple District=AR0900 Graveyard District=AR0800 Slums District=AR0400 Waukeens Promenade=AR0700 Government District=AR1000 Bridge District=AR0500 Docks District=AR0300 CityGates=AR0020 Umar Hills=AR1100 Suldanesslar=AR2500 The Nine Hells=AR2900 Domain of the Dragon=AR1201 Asylum Dungeon=AR1512 Bodhis Dungeon=AR0801 Astral Prison=AR0516 Planar Sphere=AR0411 Cult of the Unseeing Eye=AR0202 Rift Dungeon=AR0204 Demon Outerworld=AR0414 De'Arnise Hold=AR1300 Trademeet=AR2000 Druids Grove=AR1900 ... Далее >>