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- Basic strategies - every character has a different way of fighting: the Barbarian is the best fighter of DII and fights in direct contact to the enemies. The Amazon has good potential in long-range-fights with her bow, the Necromancer should combine summoning with curses and is a very interesting character. The Paladin should develop good fighting abilities combined with strong resistances (protection auras). Finally, the sorceress is a very interesting (and cute) character, but quite difficult to play. She should avoid direct enemy contact and develop strong specialized magic. More infos in the Sorceress Section.
- Skills: a very important aspect in DII is a well planned character-development. You may play for the exploration a just-for fun-character and then start a new one and plan a strong character. Specialiazing is one of the keys to get a strong character which can play even Act4 in Hell Mode. When you put too many skill-points into different spells you won╢t have spells which are really powerful. (I had to restart my Sorceress two times until I found out about the best skill-planning)
- For finding the best skill-developments read the strategy-pages of the DII-Sites. Or ask some high level players on the BattleNet. I also recommend to download the DII-character planner at www.wizz.de. For Sorceress- and Necromancer players I have some special tips in these Power Words.
- Navigating: many maps have a waypoint which teleports you to town and other places, you can use them also to warp to another Act (if you entered that before). When searching a place for a quest or a special plain remember that some plains have more then two exits. Navigating though dungeons: (if you don╢t want to fight all monsters, but simply want to quickly solve the quest): many times the exit to another level or an important location is on the other side of the dungeon. So don╢t search near the entrance, but rush fast to the other end of the dungeon.
- The Automap is activated with the TAB-key, run with CRTL. With the numeric keypad (num lock on) you can say something to your fellow players: 0 = "Help"", 1 = "Follow me.", 2 = "For you.", 3 = "Thanks.", 4 = "Sorry.", 5 = "Bye.", 6 = "Die!". With the PrintScreen-Key you get screenshots saved in the Diablo 2 directory.
- ESCaping very dangerous situations (it sounds simple but saves a lot of money & exp): learn to FAST hit ESC and "save game". The ALT key shows you all items on the floor with names; that definitely helps to find good items fast.
- Selling items: if you have found more expensive items you want to sell (good armors, rares, etc.) first repair then sell them - you get more money.
- Difficulties: in Diablo 2 you can play the whole game with all quests in three difficulty-levels: Normal, Nightmare and Hell - mode. When dying in Normal mode you will loose all money you carry (it lies next to the corpse) and a part of the money from your stash. In Nightmare and Hell you will also loose experience points. So be extra careful if you have a character which will get a new level soon. Especially in Hell you NEED lots of resistance (best go for prismatic amus / rings), because there is a high negative restistance bonus.
- When dead, your character rematerializes in town, but does not have the equipped items. The corpse of your character lies at the place where it was killed. You can go back to that place, hopefully kill the monsters and get back your items with clicking the corpse. Be careful with equipping new stuff. Many players lost items that way. If you get killed several times (and had re-equipped) you will loose items! I would never equip my char with any new stuff after it has just been been killed.(in BattleNet a disconnect sometimes deletes your items in corpses when you╢ve equipped new items...) After dying and game-restart the corpse will be in the town.
- Surviving: Rejuvenation-Potions ("life+magic"-potions) help in difficult fights / duels because they instantly regenerate life + mana points (normal potions let you regenerate slowly).
- Bosses: there are some monsters with blue name (stronger then normal) and be careful about the monsters with brown name (very strong monsters with special magical abilities). These monsters strengthen other normal monsters of the same type, try to kill the bosses first, then the others won╢t be so strong anymore. When fighting a tough boss (or a quest opponent like Mephisto) you should open a town portal. Concentrate your attacks or spells on one monster until it goes down, then attack another monster to its end.
- Traps: you will be warned that a trap is activated when you hear this creaking noise. Run fast then!
- Getting rare items: when you are not in "levelling up"- or "quest"-mode you can just fight for getting nice items: equip magical items for additional-chance% of finding magical items like ring-of-luck or Tarnhelm. Especially in Act-4 you will find a lot of rare stuff - exploit it first (fight many monster bosses and get their rare items) and trade with that stuff to get what you need. And then continue on in next mode (Nightmare or Hell) - you will see that good items are needed because every advance in mode makes the monsters much more powerful.
- Retrieving items: when the monsters get you and it is too difficult to kill them to get back the stuff from your dead body, better leave game and enter another game, the body is back in town.
- In one quest Charsi offers to magical transform a basic item. Don╢t use it too early, better wait until Act-3 (better until another mode like Nightmare Act-2) or when you find better basic items. The best is to "imbue" an armor because a (good) rare armor has great worth for use and trading in BattleNet. You can only transform basic items (white name).
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