- The Horadric Cube (to be found in Act-2, halls of the dead) is a special magical item you will need in Act-2 and Act-3. With this cube you can transform segments of quest items to the final quest item. And you can do some other magical transformations with the Horadric Cube: here are not all, but some interesting combinations:
- 3 gems (same type and grade) = 1 higher grade gem (same type)
- 3 Health-Potions + 3 Mana-Potions = 1 Rejuvenation-Potion
- 3 Health-Potions + 3 Mana-Potions + 1 gem = 1 full Rejuvenation-Potion
- 3 perfect gems (of any type) + 1 magical item = 1 new random magical item ( same type)
- 3 Amulets = 1 Random Ring
- 3 Rings = 1 Random Amulet
- 6 Gems and 1 sword = 1 socketed Long-Sword
- The secret cow level: in Tristam you will find Wirt╢s leg (search his corpse). After defeating Diablo on this mode (Normal, Nightmare or Hell) you can open a portal to this sectret map: place wirt╢s leg and a town-portal-book in the horadric cube and transform them. Enjoy the funny cows. :-)
- Diablo II has more and more modifications with every new patch. Especially the power of some spells will be changed. These Power Words are written in Oct-2000, and in future some details about DII might be changed.
- Open BattleNet: "doesn╢t exist" for me (you can easily cheat and duplicate items) many cheaters / playerkillers are out there. So the more fair and real challenge is the closed Battle-Net, because up to date there is no cheat in closed BN.
- Playing in Battle-Net: In closed BattleNet the char is saved on one of Blizzards (free, but slow) servers and until now cheating is impossible. Let╢s hope it stays this way - because creating a good char here and finding / trading good items takes quite some effort.
- Parties: you can play alone like in single-player mode, but the fun is being in a party with different chars. (press "P" for party screen). When you are in a party you share the experience and taken gold with all members if you are on the same map. So don╢t do the fights alone while others search only gold and items.
- Trading: be careful about your trades when you are a beginner. Some advanced players like ripping off newbies (giving much less worthy stuff for good uniques). Read the offers and postings in the trade channel and the reactions of the other players. If you have special wishes or special items for sale leaving messages in the trade channel is faster then just randomly meeting other players in trading games. "Spamming" / "Flooding" (= repeating long messages very fast) won╢t bring you much friends in trade channels - a constant, but changing slow flow of messages is much better. My way of getting good deals is having a text-file (in Windows) with my offers like:
"offers rare amu 6%-life-steal + fast cast rate + some Res"
"offers Tarnhelm or Nightsmoke for Culwens Point"
"trades Rare+2Staff-Sorc(20-45 dmg) / BONESNAP nice Unique Hammer
"trades MILAGREBAS-Scepter(+1Pala) / IRON JANG BONG (good +1Sorc Staff)"
"offers SILKS / SIGONS Shield / MAGEFISTS / Rare +2-Staff-Sorc (20-45dmg) / Pala+nec+1Amu-with-4%Mana-steal"
"seeks rare MagePlate AC300+"
"needs 1h-sword dmg 50+"
(and bring them *not too often* with copy (CRTL-C in textfile in Windows) and paste (CRTL-X) into the trade channel screen)
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