On the finances screen you can get an overview of your financial situation.
You can see your liquid assets, share, capital, etc.
The screen if formed like a monitor on where the information is present. The
information is as follows:
Liquid assets: The money you have available for buying planes, buying equipment,
payoff loan, etc. It will be from here the money is taken for paying off the
bank loan. The liquid assets will at the start of the game be $50,000,000.
Bank loan: At the start of the game, you will have a bank loan at $100,000,000.
The half of the money is transferred to the liquid assets, and the second half
of the money is transferred to the share capital.
Montly payoff: The monthly payoff for the bank loan is at the beginning set at
$2,000,000. It will though be possible to lower the payoff, but not lower than
the payoff can pay the interest. The rate of interest is variable depending on
the state of the market.
Fleet value: This will be the value of your planes. The value is set according
to the price you are able to get for your planes at that specific moment. The
fleet value is used when you want to obtain a loan from the bank.
Shares: The amount in shares will be the share capital. At the start of the game
this will be $50,000,000. It will be possible to sell up to 49% of your shares.
Quotation: The quotation will be the value of your company shares. This
quotation. This quotation will only be useful when you want to sell of your
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