to save some money by lowering the salaries, or if you have problems with your
employees you might want to raise the salaries.
From the beginning of the game the salary expenses are set at $2,000,000. In the
office function you can see how your salary expenses are, compared to the
avarage of all four players.
6.1.8 Office screen
The icon for the office screen shows a graphical chart.
In the office function you can get an overview of your company's doing.
Different charts will help you to see if something is going wrong.
The office screen is formed as a monitor, on where the charts will be shown.
In the lower left of the screen you will find four icons. The icons represent
the following chart:
Route balance: When the office function is accessed, this will be the chart
present on the screen. The route balance tells the player about the airline
In the top of the monitor there will be a little box. In this box you will see
the financial information on the route flown by the plane in the little plane
requester at the right side of the screen.
The information will show the income, expenses and balance for the specific
route. The numbers will refer to a months flying on the route. If the route is
giving a loss, the balance numbers will be red.
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