| store. |
| WHERE: Some conversations |
| HOW: If you are in certian quest oriented conversations |
| and you save, there is a chance that the quest will be |
| uncompletable. |
/ SECTION 4.0 \
-{ CODES }-
To enter these cheats you may have to be in debug mode. To do
this hit the ~ key (it's above tab). This will bring up the
console. in the console type "DebugMode 1" without the quotes.
You can now enter the following codes:
*NOTE* - all cheats must be typed in without quotes, and are case
sensitive. If there is <> in a code replace it with an
apppropriate value. Also, these codes were compiled from the
ingame command list. You can access it by hitting ~ then tab. If
there is a description then the code has been checked out by us
and works. Codes that crash the game will be removed from the
list as soon as they are found. If the description for a code
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