Come back to Egypt
When you hear Column's cry for help, click on the alarm clock to return to Egypt.
Meniou is Column's friend. Go and see him and he will tell you that Column has been taken to pieces and strewn all over the city. If you mention Column, he will give you a piece. Talk to the guard about Column, and he will give you a piece as well.
You want to speak to the thief to find out what he has done with Column, but you must find the guard's dagger if he is to let you through. It is hanging up in the courtyard of Sobekhotep's house, on the mastabah (stone bench) to the right of the door.
When you hand over the dagger, the guard will let you into the tavern.
The Nubian's troubles
Now is your chance to speak to the prisoner. He tells you what really happened and gives you another piece of Column in exchange for his freedom. Take the bracelet to the priestess so she can confirm the Nubian's innocence.
Ask around you to discover where the priestess can be found. Seniou, Meniou's father, tells you she can be found at the Temple of the Sun. Seniou asks you to bring him some papyrus.
Use the map to locate the priestess.
When you arrive at the temple, introduce yourself to the priestess. Talk to her and ask her questions about the thief. Show her the bracelet the Nubian gave you. In exchange for the bracelet, she gives you a message for the guard.
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