After listening to Hippo's plea for help, take the box of Happy Food from your desk and click on the alarm clock to return to Egypt.
Take the food to Naя who is in the grain store yard. But you discover that Naя is no longer there. On the steps of the 3rd grain store you find the pectoral that you had given Sobekhotep. It is broken.
Go and see Hippo, show him the pectoral and inform him of Naя's disappearance. He suspects Sobekhotep.
Go to Sobekhotep's house to see if Naя is there. The door is locked.
Go back to see Hippo and talk to him about Sobekhotep. He proposes a game. If you win, he will give you a pass that will enable you to break into Sobekhotep's house.
Naя held prisoner
With pass in pocket, return to Sobekhotep's courtyard. The pass enables you to open the lower door. Go back into the house, and take the corridor in the background. You will hear Naя there, near a locked door. She says that she is locked up behind the door.
Dragoo thinks that Two Sides can help you.
You will find Two Sides, another of Dragoo's cousins, in the House of Life. Go inside. You will find a parchment on the mastabah in the right background. Touch it, and Two Sides will be revealed. You are now in his world.
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