Q: What is the plate with many gems which when kept upside down not a single one falls? A: The answer is sky. Q: What is that which travels without feet, head or hands. A: The answer is water. Q: Only one color, but not one size, stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies. Present in sun, but not in the rain, doing no harm, and feeling no pain. What do I speak of? A: The answer is a shadow. Q: He who makes it, makes it to sell. He who buys it, does not use it. He who uses it, does not know it. What do I speak of? A: The answer is a coffin. Q: In naming me, I am no longer there. What am I? A: The answer is silence. Q: What is greater than God, more evil than Satan, rich people need it, poor people have it, if you eat it all you'll die. A: The answer is nothing. Q: A merchant comes before you and claims that one of three beggars stole an apple from his cart. You question them: the first beggar says the second one stole it, the second beggar says he is innocent of the crime, and the third beggar says he is not the thief. Only one of the three is telling the truth - now tell me, who is guilty? A: The answer is the third beggar. Q: What is it that was given to you, that still belongs to you, that you have never lent to anyone, but that is used by everyone you know. A: The answer is your name. Q: My life can be measured in hours, I serve by being ... Далее >>