hallway. Drop down the large crevice to the ground floor. Steal the healing potion off the table and run out of the room through the exit to the left of where you came down. The door ahead of you is where you entered St. Yora's. Go out the same way and return to the last place you spoke with Murus. He's there waiting for you again, and he will congratulate you on recovering his rosary. He tells you next that you'll need a holy symbol. With the number of undead creatures running around here and the extent of the desecration, the chance of finding a good holy symbol is next to nothing. Murus suggests you use the machinery in St. Tennor's to create a new holy symbol.Around St. Tennor's Go through the opening at the bottom of the broken staircase and into the cloister area. Make sure there are no undead walking around, and go left. The first door on your left is the entrance to St. Tennor's. Go in, and walk through the open doorway to the corridor beyond. Turn left in the corridor and follow it around to the room at the end. Inside is the machinery that Murus spoke of. Grab the mold on the bottom right from the floor; it should look like a hammer. Place it under the machine and pull the left lever. This will close the mold and prepare it for use. Then flip the lever on the right to pour the molten metal into the mold. When the holy symbol is ready, use the left lever again to open the mold and take the holy symbol. Go back to the hallway and walk through St. Tennor's. Take the staircase at the end up to the second floor and jump across to the ledge on the other side of the room. From here, jump over to the metal chute and slide down to the small courtyard outside. Take a look at the small shed here. Put a rope arrow into the shed and climb up, then mantle to the roof. Get the candle, then crouch and retrieve your rope arrow. Now, jump back to the chute and climb up. Leave St. Tennor's by the entrance you came in, returning to the cloister area. Before going back to Murus, you'll take a short trip through St. Vale's. Go forward from St. Tennor's to the corner and open the gate. Walk through and turn to the right. The large doors ahead of you are the cloister gates, where you'll be going when you've ... Далее >>