any broad-head arrows, but you'll find your blackjack and some noisemakers and rope arrows. Then head out the door. Check the fire is burning here and grab any fire arrows you see. Head down the stairs and go either right or left. You should crouch down at this point because there are some nasty creatures below you, including a bugbeast and a couple of ratmen. There is a good chance they'll spot you if you're standing, and you're in no condition for direct combat. While crouched down, fire a rope arrow into the ceiling and jump off the balcony onto the rope. Climb up and jump across to the small alcove above the floor. Get all the goodies here, and lean out and snag the gas arrow next to the niche you're in. Use the gas arrow on as many of the creatures below as possible. Regardless of how many creatures you use the gas arrow on, you should use it on the bugbeast without hesitation. Slay the ratmen with broad-head arrows if you don't catch them in the gas cloud. Then drop down to the floor and get your rope arrow back. Now go through the left-most exit from the stairs down and take left passages until you come to a dead end with a vertical pool. Step into the pool and grab the water arrow, then return to the stairs. On your way back, make sure you get the gas arrow, and drop the patrolling ratman.Getting to the Basement Now that you're back at the stairs, it's time to get serious about getting through the basement and finding some help for dealing with Constantine. This time, you're going to go through the right-most exit from the stairs. Go left in the room beyond and through the tunnel, getting the arrows off the ground. When this path ends in a T-intersection, turn right. Make sure the bugbeast and ratmen in this area aren't around, then shoot a rope arrow into the canopy above and climb up. Jump over to the platform and explore. You'll find some ammunition and supplies up here, which should help you out. While up here, snipe at the ratmen and drop the bugbeast with the gas arrow you grabbed earlier. Go through the tunnel. There is a gas arrow at the end that is definitely worth having. When you've got everything, drop back down to the ground, and retrieve the rope arrow. Go ... Далее >>