These are also paired off, same as above.
MAGIC SKILLS Bytes 319-403
Listed in the same order as on your "Magic Skills" screen.
negative numbers are: (-1) = FF (-2) = FE (-3) = FD
and so on.
EQUIPMENT INVENTORY starts with bytes 407 and 409
All inventory fields are 14 bytes apart, begining with
byte 407. Byte 407 is the equipment item, and byte 409
is the quantity, for those items that can be "stacked" (like
food). Example - food is 2D. If you want 31 food packs,
you will see 2D 00 1F.
There are two groups - the body group, and the
backpack group.
The body group starts at the fourth byte after
magic skills (I don't know what those three bytes are - try it
and let me know). The first 7 items are, in order:
Head/Arm/Chest/Primary weapon/Secondary weapon/Leg/Foot.
At the byte level, you can place ANY equipment
item ANYWHERE. You can carry food on your feet (yuck!),
and so on.
The backpack group starts immediately after the body group,
same format.
MONEY - I couldn't locate it. Your guess is as good as mine. Good luck.
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