more of the backstory of the game. Click on the phonograph in the right half
of the trunk and attach its trumpet to its base. Click on the phonograph
crank to listen to a message from your boss (be sure that theme music is
activated in the game options). Click again on the crank to stop the message
(we kept waiting for the phonograph roll to self-destruct, Mr. Phelps). If
desired, open the upper-right drawer and change phonograph rolls to play the
music you heard on the radio in your apartment in 1942. You can also check
out the First-Class dinner menu on the table in your cabin.
Exit your cabin and move R F5 O F R O F O into the Purser's Office. There
you can get the cabin assignments of some of the Titanic passengers:
Passenger Cabin
Eric Burns C-78
Sasha Barbicon A-14
Mr. Conkling B-59
Lady Georgia Lambeth B-70
Colonel Zeitel C-59
Penny Pringle F-34
Shailagh Hacker F-59
Miss Claris Limehouse D-19
Use your map to jump to the Grand Staircase on the Boat Deck, then move L F
L O F R O F into the Gymnasium. Click on your Secret Service contact Penny
Pringle. She's very bossy, but shows you a picture of your nemesis, the
German Colonel Zeitel and explains that your mission is to obtain a book,
the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (not really written in English, of course).
Zeitel is traveling with Willi von Haderlitz and sometimes may be found in
the Cafe Parisian. Your first task is to gain access to the ship's wireless
room from Officer Morrow, and read Zeitel's coded telegram using the
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