the right side. Use the "x" again to open the door. Look at the pointing finger and pick up the Key. To the right of the closet with the glass door, look at the picture on the wall and pick up Frank's 1st Prize.
Walk behind the stairs that lead up and outside and find the slide viewer. Look at the slide viewer. Use the on/off switch on the viewer. Use the Box of slides on the viewing table. Use the Magnifying glass on each of the slides. Note the slide of the clock that shows the time 5:30.
Walk to and use the clock on the wall. Use the Key on the clock keyhole. Grab and drag each clock hand to set the clock to 5:30 (hear two bongs). Exit the clock to hear "cookoo, cookoo" and reset itself back to 2:00.
Walk downstairs. Use the Thin pencil on the painting and walk into the bedroom. Walk into the newly-opened hole in the floor. Turn to the right and use the picture on the wall (76), and pick up the Red bulb and Yellow bulb.
Walk toward the counter with the sink. Look at and use the book to read Frank's letter.
Walk to the device to the right of the counter with the sink. Use the compartment at the top to open it and use the Red bulb in the compartment. Look at the flat area. Use Frank's 1st Prize on the flat area. Use the on/of switch button and read the Frank's contract. Exit the device to watch as Frank burns himself.
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