(partially sticking out from underneath the right edge of the blotter below the drawers). Open the drawers to get the Sealing ring, the Magnifying glass, the Paper knife, and read the letter from Dreamland. Open the lower left drawer, then without closing it, open the lower right drawer to pick up the Wooden head from a hidden compartment in the drawer.
Use the Wooden head on the left-hand, headless carved figure on the lower part of the hutch in the corner. Pick up the three tape reels. Use Tape 1 on the tape player in the cabinet and press the tape player's play button to hear a message.
Walk downstairs into the bedroom under the left stairs.
Look in a wardrobe door to find and look at a post card for Visit Omaha Beach; look at the card again to discover A = 0. Look in another wardrobe door to find the blurry card and look at it with the Magnifying glass to discover instructions on how to open a sealed envelope.
Walk toward the big earth globe and write down the rainbow colors you see on the tapestry picture to the left of the globe. Walk back toward the bed. Across from the bed is an arched door. Use the door to open it and use the Geological survey map inside. Use the door again to close it (automatic sequence sets the top two combination locks on the globe: top = 0606, middle = 1944). Look again at the map and write down the coordinates. The four posts of the bed are used to set the coordinates. As you face the bed, the head of the bed is against the wall. Look at each of the four bed posts and set each to the ... Далее >>