Head of the bed, left post: 50 Head of the bed, right post 20 Foot of the bed, left post 00 Foot of the bed, right post 45 (Set all but the foot, right post first, then set and adjust this right post until the drawer below the bed opens.) Look at the book in the drawer that just opened below the bed. Look at the book again for a close-up. Use the Sealing ring on the book to open the latch. Use the book to pick up the Coding wheel. Use the book again to see the locking mechanism -- the color wheels. Look at the color wheels for a close-up. Following the rainbow colors you noted earlier, enter them from top to bottom: Purple, Dark Blue, Light Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red. (The colors do not have to be aligned exactly, as long as the color is correct at the right edge.)
If colors are set correctly, the book will open. Pick up the envelope from inside the book. Use the Paper knife on the envelope to open it following the instructions you found on the blurry note in the wardrobe: Position the Paper knife on the envelope to the right of the seal, click and hold down the mouse button and slide the Paper knife to the left, and, still holding the mouse button, slide the Paper knife down. (Be patient and keep trying until you successfully remove the seal -- this was just practice for the real envelope you have to open later.)
In your inventory, use the Coding wheel (The hints to use the decoder were on the Omaha Beach postcard in the wardrobe). Align ... Далее >>