chain link fence. Walk west around the corner to the top right of the screen. A cutscene will start where Gail comments on whatever attacked the guards. Straight ahead of you to the north is a green door. Enter through the door into the material storage area. Material Storage Area The material storage area contains a forklift, bags of cement, and other useless items. However, as you move forward, the character view changes, and two items are apparent. Walk into the far left corner and take the key from the shelf. This is the backup generator area, or BG area, key. Walk to the right, and a shelving unit will impede your movement. Push against the shelf by continuing to walk in an easterly direction, and the shelf will be pushed out of the way. Take the resuscitation unit and exit out of the material storage area back into the backyard of the facility area. Backyard of the Facility Walk east and then south to initiate a cutscene where Rick informs you that he is now in the control area, but needs the power turned on. At the end of the transmission, Gail turns up and takes the BG area key and motions you to follow him. Do so by walking south into the backyard. Backyard Like the backyard of the facility, this is an open outdoor area surrounded by a chain link fence. Gail will not be in sight, but don't worry. Turn west toward the door at the end of the backyard. Exit through the door to the passageway to the backup generator. Passageway to the Backup Generator Yet another outside chain link encrusted area, this area wraps around in a large U shape once you start heading south. Walk west and then south and follow the walkway around. Halfway around, you ... Далее >>