Hall B1 You bump into Gail who catches a glimpse of Dr. Kirk in the lab. Gail pursues Dr. Kirk, but a security gate blocks you. Gail tells you to get down via the elevators on the first floor. The elevators are in the elevator hall on the first floor. Elevator Hall Alas, once you arrive at the elevator hall, you find that you do not have the correct ID security clearance. Return to the basement and hall B1. Hall B1 Walk south and enter the hallway for carrying in materials. Half way down the hall, you will be attacked out of the broken elevator shaft by a dinosaur. Kill it and enter the carrying out room B1 through the double doors in front of you. Examine the dead man and read the memo. Apparently, you must have DDKs to enter the lab area. It appears the worker left one at the large size elevator control and thinks that Tom has the other. Return to the first floor and the management office hallway via the management office. Management Office Hallway Deactivate the laser field and enter the strategy room. Strategy Room Read the data file for an operation meeting. While discussing the internal security of the base, the file gives details of how you can get around the security system by using the fingerprints of a corpse. Pick up the FC device, the plug, and DDK input disc E. Examine the yellow emergency box. Walk to the front area of the main entrance and use the fingerprint device on the dead body whose new section was to be the third energy physics laboratory (look at the memo by the body). Return to the office. Office ... Далее >>