end. Approach and talk to the Gnome Sage to learn his machine needs a new lodestone. Exit and go back through the boulders. Go out to the north south corridor and go north. At the next intersection, beware 5 or 6 Bats. Then go west and down a ramp to kill a Stone Beast and get a potion. Continue the corridor and kill another Stone Beast. Take the first right to a big empty room. Look up to see a cliff wall. Maneuver to see the yellow climb arrow appear and use your grappling hook to climb. At the next intersection, go left to kill several bats and continue to another room. Cut off a piece of tree root, pick it up and exit the room. Go back to the intersection and turn right. Slowly approach the edge, use your grappling hook and climb back down. Continue south and go east. Go up a winding ramp and go east to the central area and a brick wall blocking an opening. Continue east up slope, if you have at least 2 shield potions, use one then kill 2 Rock Beasts. Go south to another wall and climb up. Follow the passage to a room with a large boulder and a hole in the floor. Push the boulder through the hole, then jump down after it. Push the boulder around a circular corridor. When you reach the down ramp, you automatically push it down. The boulder breaks through the brick wall. Go through the busted wall and enter a new area, but not too far! Use your crystal piece (from old man at fire) on the purple wall receptacle to light all lamps in this area. Ready your hand weapon and SAVE! Continue down the corridor to the Dragon Wyrm's Lair. Use a Shield AND Strength potion. Rush forward and kill the Dragon Wyrm. Get the Black Diamond Heart and ... Далее >>