============================= 13.3 PISTOL - DEFAULT KEY "2" =============================
Definitely a step up from the melee weapons, the pistol will let you start blasting other punks without having to get right up on them. Initially, the pistol is not very accurate, but the more you use it the more accurate it will become. The pistol will also accept a variety of "mods" that will increase its potential.
Mods can be purchased at the Pawn-O-Matic. These mods are permanent; once attached to your pistol you won't have to ever replace them.
ROF (RATE OF FIRE) - Increases the pistol rate of fire RELOAD MOD - Decreases reload time MAGNUM MOD - Significantly increases stopping power
======================================================= 13.4 SILENCED PISTOL - DEFAULT KEY "2" - ALTERNATE MODE =======================================================
The silencer enables you to cap an enemy without any of his friends hearing you. This is very useful when you are ... Далее >>