performance. 2) Lower Your Sound Quality Kingpin uses a lot sounds, and sometimes they will causes glitches in the game while they are being loaded from your hard drive. Using low sound quality will eat up less RAM and decrease load times. 3) Decrease Pain Skins Each character in the game has two distinct pain skins for each of their 15 body segments. Try decreasing the number to one or none for improved performance. 4) Turn Off Props Non-essential props may be toggled off and on. 5) Turn Off Fog Fog may be toggled off an on. No fog will pick up the frame rate dramatically on some systems. 6) Directional Lighting Turning off directional lighting will improve performance. 7) Shadows Toggling shadows off decreases the character polygon counts by half, improving frame rate. You may also select "auto" shadows mode and the system will turn shadows on only when the frame rate permits. 8) Blood Time The amount of time that blood remains on screen. Decrease to improve performance. 9) Decrease your screen size You can use the "+" and "-" keys to adjust the size of the game screen. 10) Using 3dfx mini-gl driver ... Далее >>