Bagman games can be started from a dedicated server by seting teamplay "1" in the server.cfg file
Each player can hold up to $150 of loose cash and $200 of money robbed from a safe. To pick up money laying on the ground crouch down and press the activate button. The objective is to get your gang the most cash.
+17.3 Deathmatch flags -17.3.1 Falling Damage: You can set whether or not players will take damage from falling -17.3.2 Weapons Stay: This toggles whether or not weapons can be immediately picked up by another player. If set to no the player has to wait for the weapons to respawn. -17.3.3 Allow Health: Setting this to no stops health from spawning in. -17.3.4 Allow Armor: Determines whether or not armor spawns in. -17.3.5 Spawn Farthest: When set to yes, you will spawn farther away after dieing. -17.3.6 Same Map: If set to yes, the same map will load when the game is finished. -17.3.7 Force Respawn: You can set whether or not players are automatically spawned back into the game. -17.3.8 Teamplay by model & skin: Players with the same model and skin as you will be considered friendly targets ... Далее >>