torture chamber. Go back out to the main staircase and turn right. Go forward toward the altar and notice that Laj Vanti is standing off to the right. Or at least it is the Laj Vanti apparition. But, in that case, who is that woman in red on the altar? You'll find that you still cannot cross the bridge. In inventory, combine the door handle with the chain and throw this device over the lever to the left of the altar. In a cutscene Fred will be able to lasso the lever and shut down the flames in the moat. Cross the bridge and see Fred's dreamed reunion with his beloved Anusha. Chapter 8: Back to Reality After a cutscene in which Fred is seen beating on the door of his temporary cell; a dark, hot, little room. You need to find some light. Move your cursor around until you get a hand cursor. Click on it. Then click on your inventory to see that you have added a SINGLE MATCH and a BOX OF MATCHES to the resident rat and the screwdriver in your inventory. Light the match by striking it on the match box. Exit your inventory quickly and find a PIECE OF CLOTH on a shelf. Light another match, exit your inventory and find a small BOTTLE OF GAS. In inventory, combine the cloth with the small bottle of gas. Light the cloth with a match. Now you have a small gas lantern. Handy! Use the screwdriver on the door's lock, to the left. Then, use your action cursor on the right side of the door to push it open. Hmmm, looks like you were locked in a cellar closet below Shareef's house. Once you have escaped, don't bother to check out all that stuff on the pantry shelves. Just high tail it up the steps. You have plenty of work to do yet. At the top of the stairs use your ... Далее >>