money for food. But, the few rupees you have aren't acceptable. Go right, down the street to the theater, just one click. Turn left and use your rupees to get some BUBBLEGUM from the gum machine. Exit the theater entrance. Turn right and go straight down to the end of the street past the old man. (Go forward five times.) Turn left to face the Dutch Anucan sign. Cross the street to the entry steps and turn immediately right to face the teller machine. Use your UNITED BANK CARD on the lower right, gray metal slot. Go back across the street and down the other side to the little boy. Give him the MONEY you got from the teller machine. When he's pocketed the money, talk to him about his turn to help you. He'll ask you to go open the store window and he'll get your magazine. Just click on the conversation choices to cause this to happen. After you receive the magazine from the boy, leave this street and go back through the intersection, down past Anusha's mother's house, to the gate on the left side of the street. Use the close up cursor to look through the gate, and the action cursor to determine that there's a key you can't reach on the other side of the gate. In inventory, combine the stick with the bubblegum and (in a cutscene) retrieve the KEY. Use the key to open the gate. Walk down the corridor and into the courtyard behind Anusha's house. Turn left to see a shrine that has been created in the middle of the courtyard. Walk over to the shrine and pick up the PHOTOGRAPH of a man who looks like the kidnapper from the dream sequences. Note that the shrine contains a statuette of Kali, an offering of food, and a photograph of the actress, Laj Vanti. Leave the area and return to the street. Turn right and make your way through the intersection. Approach the young boy again and ... Далее >>