screwdriver on the door hinges to the right. The door will fall open and you are in the house's foyer again. You've come out the door directly under the stairs to the upper floor. Go back up the stairs. At the top, turn left and go to the door in front of you, Laj Vanti's room. Don't go in yet. Turn left and go on down to the landing. Enter the room to the right where you can retrieve Shareef's DIARY off the desk. Before you leave, pick up the KEYS off the table to the left of the door. Leave the room. Go around the landing to the right and enter the room at the end. Click on the close up of a young woman's picture on the wall in front of you. The picture moves aside with your next click. You will see a safe. Use the keys you got from Shareef's room on the safe. Take the CD ROM with Laj Vanti's picture. Go along the left side of the bed and pick up the CD ROM PLAYER from the table. Leave the room and return down the stairs. In the foyer, go over to Shareef's den door and use the action cursor to communicate with Anusha, who is locked away in preparation for her supposed unwilling marriage to Shareef. Talk to her through the door about everything. Then, go back to Laj Vanti's room. Combine in inventory the CD ROM and the CD player. Click this combination on Laj Vanti. When she finishes grooving to the music, talk to her about everything. You will see another cutscene which reveals a procession taking place outside the window. Anusha is being carried off somewhere and Fred rushes madly out of the house to try to rescue her. Chapter 9: The Big Finale From your position on the front porch, turn right and go around to the right side of the house where the garage is. Continue around the garage on the left side. Stop and turn right where you see the light shining. Unlock the side door with the keys form Shareef's ... Далее >>