Три концовки на выбор. Состав вашей группы будет сохранен в специальном файле.
Инструменты барда
Название Цена Вес Заклинание
Angel's Tongue 500 2 Bless (1)
Arresting Aria 550 3 Freeze All (3)
Banshee's Howl 20000 4 Hex (3)
Bullroarer 650 1 Whirlwind (3)
Chaos Drone 10000 4 Pandemonium (3)
Chromatic Lyre 300 10 Itching Skin (3)
Cornu of Demonspawn 500 7 Banish (1)
Dulcimer of Mending 10000 4 Heal All (3)
Frigid Fiddle 4500 3 Freeze Flesh (3)
Hades Harp 45000 18 Cerebral Hemorrhage (3)
Horn of Fear 250 12 Terror (3)
Horn of Prometheus 25000 7 Fireball (3)
Infernal Horn 45000 2 Nuclear Blast (3)
Jericho Horn 7000 2 Armormelt (3)
Lute of Sloth 1500 1 Slow (3)
Lyre of Cakes 50000 12 Heal All (3)
Mandolin of the Magus 4000 4 Magic Screen (3)
Piercing Pipes 600 4 Shrill Sound (3)
Pipes of Doom 2500 8 Terror (3), 11% Paralyse
Poet's Lute 100 4 Sleep (3)
Renaissance Lute 40000 4 Restoration (3)
Rousing Drums 650 7 Haste (3)
Silent Lyre 5000 18 Silence (3)
Siren's Wail 4000 2 Insanity (3)
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