{buildings} you construct inside your colonies. Finally, tools are
converted into muskets by {gunsmiths.}
{Tools may be bought in Europe or manufactured by blacksmiths, who
convert ore into tools.}
Muskets are necessary for defense of your colonies and for building a
substantial military force. You need muskets to create soldier
units. {Any colonist} may be given muskets to create {soldiers} and {any
scout} may be given muskets to create {dragoons.}
{Muskets may be purchased in Europe or manufactured at an armory,
magazine, or arsenal.} Any colonist working as a gunsmith can convert
tools into muskets.
3. *** UNIT TYPES ***
These represent the various people that come to the New World. A single
colonist in the game represents a number of people in real life, perhaps
100-200. There are four general types of colonists, each with different
capabilities: petty criminals, indentured servants, free colonists, and
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