build your political infrastructure. Statesmen produce Liberty Bells,
representing governmental sophistication and patriotic fervor. Elder
statesmen can be trained in Europe or found on the docks there.
{Elder statesmen produce twice the number of Liberty Bells as ordinary
colonists working as statesmen in the Town Hall.}
Free Colonists are immigrants desiring to go to the New World as free
men and women and willing to work for the good of their communities.
Free colonists are productive in all spheres of work -- in the fields and
in the cottages. Short of being specially trained in a trade, they are the
most productive members of your society.
A special breed of men and women come to the new world and carve a
civilization out of the wilderness. Your pioneers are the advance guard of
your new society. They build the roads, clear the land, and plow the fields.
A pioneer can be created by giving any colonist tools, but hardy pioneers
can be found on the docks of Europe, or trained.
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