4) Go back to the fireman
1) Put the buttercup (flower) into the mortar
2) The fireman will give you a wineskin (firewater), put it in
the mortar
3) Use the pestle on the mixture, to make a dough
4) There is a pointy rock just left of the fireman. In the rock is
an opening forming a natural oven, put the mortar in it
5) Look at the mortar... it'll turn brown
6) Get the mortar
7) As the bread cools, a firecracker will appear
8) Talk to the fireman... it doesn't matter what you say, he'll
run away
9) A large hand will appear and threaten you, show it the firecracker
it too will run away
10) Go NE to the firewall
1) Put the firecracker in the firewall
2) Wait for the wall to get blown out
3) Go N to the hole in the ceiling
4) Put the rope on the hook
5) Throw the hook through the hole
6) Go up to the region of water
Region of Water
1) Head N to the Troll Bridge
2) Talk to the troll, he'll want you to help him find a key...
agree to help him
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