10) Go NE to Fairy Nuff
Fairy Nuff
1) Talk to Fairy Nuff
2) Talk about the village's problem
3) He'll ask you about the number of burners on the ship... it's 2
4) He'll give you a recipe to make
5) Read the recipe
6) Go to the ice palace
Ice Palace
1) Do twice, put eye scream in pail
2) Go to crossroads
1) Get buttercup
2) Empty buttercup to retrieve butter
3) Put butter in pail
4) Catch firefly with buttercup
5) Put pail in brook 3 times
6) Go to pond
1) Talk to Nada
2) Ask her to get cough drops twice
3) Put cough drops in pail
4) Put firefly in pail
5) Crack egg in pail
6) Put sailcloth in pail
7) Go to Fairy Nuff
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