Moat Monster
1) Talk to Jenny... ask her to use her talent to see what's bugging
the dragon
2) Put the jar on the cricket, the dragon will go to sleep
3) Head E & NW to the manhole
4) Get the lok pic scale
5) Use the crowbar on the grate
6) Head down and W to the sewer
1) Flip switches 4, 1 and 2
2) Talk to Humphrey... This isn't the picture I get when I read
The Xanth series!!
1) Talk to Humphrey, he'll tell you about the demon's bet
2) Humphrey will give you a hypnogourd
3) Look at the hypnogourd
1) Head NE & NW
2) Use the lok pic on the lock
3) Open the door
4) Enter into the cellar
1) Everything is dark so you'll have to scan back and forth
to find things
2) Get the twine and the key
3) Use the key and open the door
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