speaking, at which point he automatically joins your party.
Next, Mayor Finnigan approaches you. Again, left-click after each line of
text. Finnigan asks you to investigate the Trinsic murder. Position your
mouse cursor (represented by a green arrow) over the word 'Yes' and left-
click to answer him.
Finnigan asks if you've visited the stables. Put the cursor on the word
'No' and left-click. He suggests that you visit the stables and you can begin
moving around.
Moving. You (the Avatar) are always in the center of the screen. The
stables are through the doorway to your north (i.e., toward the top of the
screen). Position the cursor so that it points upward (northward) and right
click. You step to the north. Continue moving the cursor and right-clicking
until you enter the building.
Examining Things. When you (the Avatar) enter the stables the roof
disappears, allowing you (the player) to see inside. A horrible murder has
occurred! You can look at each object in the stables by left-clicking on it-
Place the cursor over the gold key (lying just west of the body) and left-
click. The word 'key' appears (to identify it, if you couldn't tell what it
Perhaps the key will provide a clue. Move the cursor to the left of the
key and click the right mouse button twice ('double-right-click'). You walk
to that location. Notice that moving around is accomplished by right
clicking, and all other actions, like talking and examining objects, are
accomplished by left-clicking.
Using Things. You don't want to be disturbed during this investigation, so
close the door by placing the cursor on it and double-left-clicking.
Taking Things. The key may be a clue. Place the cursor so that the tip of
it overlaps the key. Click and hold down the left mouse button ('left-click-
and-hold'). As you continue holding, move the cursor around. If the mouse was
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