Examine the name plates on both tombs to discover this is Carno's and
Marie's final resting place. Use poker on left tomb to reveal Marie's
body. (Note the crucifix entwined in her hand. This may be important
during Chapter 7 if you are in need of a holy item). Use poker on right
tomb to reveal Carno's body (or so you think <G>). Walk NORTHWEST and
examine coffins to discover two other wives are buried there. Exit the
Crypt and return to the Chapel. Exit Chapel through fireplace and return
to Reception Hall.
Walk upstairs to Marie's bedroom and look at mirror over dressing table
to see video of Carno's burned face, followed by Marie & Gaston in
Marie's bedroom and Carno sneaking up on Gaston and dragging him into
secret passage. When Adrienne exits bedroom, she hears Marie calling
for Gaston ("my angel"). Do you remember seeing "my angel" somewhere
else in the game?
Walk to the front door and talk to Mike. Then leave house by front
door and enter the barn. Walk SOUTH and you will see video of Harriett
and Cyrus packing to leave. Talk to each of them until they have nothing
more to say and then leave the barn.
Get into the car and drive to town. Go to Malcolm's house. Open gate
and knock on door. When Ethel answers, give her picture of Malcolm and
Carno to gain entrance. Watch video of Malcolm and Adrienne and pay
close attention to *everything* Malcolm has to say. It could save your
life in Chapter 7 <G>! Adrienne will automatically leave Malcolm's and
end up back at her car.
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