Unfortunately, the sleezy Real Estate agent is still alive <G>!
That if you look closely at the mirror in the Dining Room, the portrait
over the fireplace is of a different person.
That if you examine the large painting in the Conservatory in Chapter 4,
the paint is still wet.
That if you open the dresser drawer in Carno's bedroom in Chapter 5 and
examine the cigarette case, one cigarette is missing.
That if you look in the jewellery box on the table in Carno's bedroom in
Chapter 7, the ring is missing.
That if you open the box sitting on the altar of the Chapel in Chapter 7,
the book is missing.
That if Adrienne tries to leave the house by the front door in Chapter 7,
she will discover that an evil force is preventing her from opening it.
She will automatically run to the side door and, when she discovers it
won't open either, she will take the hammer and try to break the windows.
At that point, she realizes that she's trapped and you *know* you're in
trouble <G>!