Walk SOUTH TO leave Kitchen and then walk NORTHWEST to enter Dining Room.
Examine fireplace and take poker. Walk SOUTH and examine mirror. Walk
SOUTH to reposition Adrienne.
Walk NORTH and enter Kitchen. Open door to Pantry and turn on light.
Use poker on trap door to open door. Attempt to walk downstairs, but
Adrienne will remark that she can't see a thing. Use matches on Adrienne
to provide light. She will automatically walk down the basement stairs
and light lantern. Take hammer laying on floor and explore basement.
Walk back upstairs and exit Pantry.
Exit Kitchen and return to Dining Room. Walk EAST to enter Reception
Hall and watch video. Zoom in on fireplace and take newspaper laying on
floor. Walk EAST and then NORTHEAST. Try to open door and discover it's
locked. Walk SOUTH back to Reception Hall. Walk EAST and play piano.
Click on bar and examine bottles until Adrienne picks one up. Try to
open the door to the right of the bar, but it's locked as well. Walk
Walk upstairs and go EAST to enter Marie's bedroom. Take tarot cards
sitting on dresser against RIGHT wall. Walk WEST and open drawer of
dressing table. Take the letter and read about Marie's affair with
Gaston. Click on "EXIT" and Adrienne will close drawer. Exit Marie's
Walk WEST and enter Carno's bedroom. Walk SOUTHWEST and examine box
sitting on table. Open box and examine ring. Open dresser drawer and
examine cigarette case. You will notice that there are 3 cigarettes.
Lay on bed and see video of hands grabbing Adrienne followed by video of
Don coming to her rescue. Exit Carno's bedroom.
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