This must be a ventilator shaft to direct the hot air to the air ship. Let's save investigation of the ventilation system until we've checked out another area and maybe start to get a few things accomplished here. Leave the control room, using the red handled door. Walk forward and take the new route down the blue tunnel.
The Water Wheel Puzzle
This new path leads to the main power plant. Just before you go up the steps, in the lighted rock chamber, turn right and look at the green diagram on the tunnel wall. The symbols represent various places, or structures, in the Voltaic Age. The black lines between the symbols will be lighted if/when power is flowing as it should. As you can see, there is no power.
the top symbol is the little island. the three in the middle, left to right, are the water wheel, the electormagnetic chamber, and the walkway elevator. the lowest symbol represents the magnet. You can make a note of the symbols and their use if you like. But its not really necessary. ... Далее >>