The metal chute doesn't go down far enough on the left end to let the ice ball pass through the chute and onto the tracks unharmed.
You can move the three center levers to position the fulcrum/axle in three different spots. Experiment with the levers and the ice ball to see what difference the postioning makes. Then, look up very closely at the orangish balance ball on the right. Now you can see nothing but wooden sections, right? We already know that one crystal ball is the same weight as four wooden balls. And 1 metal ball is the same weight as 4 crystal balls. So, the crystal part of the balance ball weighs identically with four wooden parts. The balance ball has seven wood pieces and one crystal piece. So, the crystal weighs the same as 11 pieces of wood, see? 7 wood + 4 (equivalent weight) crystal totals 11. Although fashioned of different materials it carries the weight required for the task and it is perfectly round......think about this. For example: A ball made entirely of wood would be too light. A ball made entirely of crystal would be too heavy.
Well, enough of all that right now. I have a headache. Let's go ... Далее >>