screen right.
Turn left and proceed until you come across a pedestal with no projector on top. Obviously, its broken. Could the thief be responsible for this destruction, as well as that seen in the linking room? Remember where the broken pedestal is. Go forward on the left side of the pole four times. Turn right and descend the rock stairs through an areas where the wind whistles and reverberates along the canyon walls.
Follow the spiral staircase on down through the wind tunnel and to the water. There, you will see a bridge leading to a lovely little garden house.
The Garden House
Go across the bridge and open the garden house door. Step inside. Pan down and pull the lever on the column to the left. When the gate opens, go forward into a small circular area. Pan down left to see another column with a large round button on it. Push it. When the gate behind you lowers, go forward into the ... Далее >>