intersection, and go all the way to the end. Look down right and descend the ladder. Go back to the control panel for the air ship and turn right. Try the controls. Still nothing. Turn to look at the broken walkway which apparently provided the route to access the air ship. Turn to your right and see a metal ladder. Go forward up the ladder three times. Turn and get off into the bucket shaped cage ahead of you. Look down on the grilled flooring to find more of Saavedro's journal notes.
Come up and turn around to see a giant hatch. Open it and go through to the brightly lit canyon side. Walk across the long track or pipe. (Hopefully, you aren't afraid of heights.) Go through the next hatch at the end of the pipe and to the right. It's very dark in here after the hatch closes. But, just go forward until you can't anymore and then turn around. Go back one click an look down. Click on the grate and drop down on the floor of (guess what?) the control room for producing hot air. A familiar place.
Turn around and go down the ladder. Look at the molten lava again through the ... Далее >>