Chapter 1: The Taj Mahal When you have control of the cursor, walk up to the main entrance of the Taj Mahal. Turn right. Go one click forward. Turn left and pick up the SNAKE CHARMING FLUTE. Walk back to the front of the building and face the entrance. You will see your cursor change to a pair of hands in a framing position. Left click for a close up of the Tile Puzzle. It's obvious that there is one tile missing. So, perhaps it would be a good idea to find that tile. Use the hitchhiker thumb icon to exit the close up. Turn completely around and walk forward. Turn left and go down the stairs. Go forward twice, until you hear a monkey chattering. Look down-right to see him. He's carrying that missing tile you need, with his tail. Maybe you can find something to bribe him with so he will give it up. Turn back left in the direction you were going and move ahead two clicks. Turn right to see the elephant tethered in the side area. You can click on the broken part of the fencing to go out and visit him, but it's not necessary to your advancement in the game at this point. Turn back to the left to explore the remainder of this location and look down-right near the wall along the fence, to find a ROPE. Pick it up. Turn around and go forward all the way to the end of the veranda, past the stairs, until you see an orange tree off to your right. You will see the framing cursor, on the tree. You're not tall enough to reach the oranges up there. Look in your inventory and find the rope you picked up and the snake charming flute. Does that give you an idea? Use the rope on the action cursor (hand operating a lever) at the base of the tree. Then, click the flute on the rope. The rope will be "charmed" by the flute's music and will climb into the air. Use the close up cursor ... Далее >>