The RWR senses Surface-to-Air missiles (SAM) and aircraft and displays a dot
representing each of these threats on the RWR console. A red dot indicates a
SAM threat, a blue dot indicates an air threat, and a white dot indicates an
incoming missile. These dots blink when you have successfully jammed a target
with the Automatic Jamming equipment that is standard on your A-10 Thunderbolt
II. (See Defensive Weapons Systems: pg. 35)
The tactical map displays all terrainin a 40km X 30km area around the A-10.
The A-10s current grid position is displayed at the bottom center of the
tactical map.
Collision Warning Indicator
This LED warns the pilot of an imminent crash with the ground.
Vertical Velocity Indicator
The Vertical Velocity Indicator gauge displays how quickly the A-10 is gaining
or losing altitude. It points directly to the left in level flight.
Tactical Information Display (TID)
The TID displays the current target the Weapons System is locked onto. If a
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